Monday, February 1, 2010

Fair Lawn Jewish Center

Donations are still pouring into to Fair Lawn Jewish Center, among many other drop off points. The families and children from Fair Lawn Jewish Center have already donated 3 pallets worth of medical supplies and I just received an email from our dear friend Dr. Ritchard Rosen that there are over 3000 peices of medical supplies to be picked up for the next shipment headed out on Feb 24th on Royal Caribbean's Explorer of the Sea.

We are so proud of these young men and woman who helped gather the donations and load them in the truck. They seemed to welcome the distraction from class, as the Rabbi had granted the youngsters a repreive from Hebrew School to help us load up. One of the younsters even took a minute of his free time to imitate my husband, (Leslie West) with his own rendition of "Mississippi Queen".

Thank you so much! Keep of the good work!

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