Wednesday, March 24, 2010

First OT/PT Clinic

Burn Advocates Network in partnership with Medical Angels, University of Miami School of Medicine and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines Ltd. has created the first Occupational and Physical Therapy Clinic in all of Haiti. The clinic is set to open in April and will be located in Justinian Hospital in Cap Haitien Haiti. Many burn survivors are in desperate need of OT and PT due to burn injuries and amputations. Without these services amputees will not be eligible for prosthesis. Our team (Jim Ressler Founder of Medical Angels, Karen and Arlene, PT and OT professionals) has arrived in Haiti and are settling into their hotel in Cap Haitien. Tomorrow, they will travel to Labadee to the RCCL dock to help unload over 60 pallets of OT/PT equipment and other supplies. Thank you to all our generous donors (I am in the process of compiling a list of everyone who has helped us accomplish this enormous task). The OT/PT clinic will be set up during the teams visit, and we are hoping to have a grand opening in mid-April. Pictures to follow. Keep up to date on our progress and the teams trip by visiting us here daily!

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